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1712 I Street N.W. Suite 710 Washington, DC 20006

Restorative Dentistry Washington, DC

Restorative dentistry services are designed to address underlying dental concerns that may result in missing, damaged, or broken teeth. At DC Precision Dentistry we offer a full range of restorative dentistry services to restore lost and damaged teeth. Restorative dentistry services can help build a strong, stable foundation to promote a healthier smile.

Finding the appropriate solution to address functional concerns of the smile can prevent further damage. Addressing missing teeth can prevent further tooth damage and tooth loss. Repairing cracked or chipped teeth can prevent tooth loss, infection, or decay.

Dr. Justin Deckard is an experienced restorative dentist in Washington, DC. Dr. Deckard has advanced training in many aspects of restorative dental care including implant dentistry. We offer full-service dental implants for patients missing one or more teeth.

Dr. Deckard works with each patient to understand their unique needs and create a personalized solution to restore function and health to their smile. We also provide comprehensive dental services for our patients in Washington, DC dental office.

Restorative Dental treatments in Washington DC

Restorative Dental Services in Washington, DC

Dr. Deckard and our dental care teamwork with patients to build beautiful, comfortable, and healthy smiles. Our dental office is equipped with the latest dental technology and uses high-quality materials to promote and support the best possible outcome. Whether you are missing teeth or have sustained tooth damage, Dr. Deckard can create a solution that is right for you.

Dental implants

People with missing teeth can replace them with dental implants, the only solution that looks and functions like your natural teeth. Since they mimic natural teeth, they offer many more benefits such as a better quality of life and improved oral health.

Dental bridges

A dental bridge is a series of false teeth that are fused together. They can replace one or several consecutive missing teeth. Your dentist will secure it using anchor teeth and dental crowns or with dental implants.

TMJ treatment

TMJ disorders stem from issues with the temporomandibular joint. They can cause many painful symptoms such as headaches and jaw pain. We offer several treatments to help you find relief from your TMJ symptoms. For more information on TMJ disorders and treatments, please see TMJ treatment.

Dental Crowns

We will place a dental crown on a tooth after a large filling or a root canal procedure. Your dentist may also use it on a tooth that has been damaged or cracked. Their purpose is to add strength to a weak tooth to prevent further damage. A tooth crown can also restore a dental implant for patients missing a tooth.

Dentures & Partials

Your dentist may suggest dentures or partial denture to replace all or most of your missing teeth. They are a series of fake teeth that will replace any number of teeth on an arch. A denture can either be removable or fixed with the use of dental implants.

Periodontal Therapy

Gum disease is a progressive infection of the gums. If left untreated, it can lead to many other issues including missing teeth. We offer several gum disease treatments to help your gums heal and correct any issues created by the disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

Dental implant procedures typically involve three key steps. The initial surgery lasts about 1-2 hours and involves inserting a titanium post into the jawbone to act as a tooth root.

Next, there’s a healing period of about three months, where the bone around the implant heals and secures the implant. This is the osseointegration phase.

The final step involves attaching a custom-made crown to the implant. Usually, your oral surgeon will perform a final X-ray during a brief visit. Finally, timelines can vary among patients. You should consult your dentist or oral surgeon for a detailed plan.

How long does a traditional dental bridge treatment take?

Obtaining a dental bridge requires two visits, usually in a few weeks. During the first visit, the dentist prepares the teeth adjacent to the gap and takes an impression of the area to design a perfect fit for the bridge. Meanwhile, a temporary bridge protects these teeth.

After a few weeks, the custom bridge will arrive from the dental lab. During the second visit, your dentist will fit, adjust, and permanently cement the dental bridge. Remember, each patient’s case is unique, so that the exact timing may vary depending on needs.

How long does it take for a dental bridge to settle?

Generally, it can take between two and four weeks for a dental bridge to settle fully. Patients may experience minor discomfort or soreness during this period as the tissue surrounding the bridge adjusts accordingly.

For minor cases, following healthy oral hygiene practices can significantly reduce any discomfort you may encounter. In more complex cases, however, you may need to receive treatment from a dentist regularly before full integration.

What is the most effective treatment for TMJ?

The most effective treatment for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder will depend on the patient. However, there are a few successful common approaches. These approaches include physical therapy, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and orthodontic care to correct jaw alignment.

In some cases, minimally intra-oral surgery might be necessary. Consulting a dentist or TMJ treatment specialist is the best way to determine which treatment plan is right for you.

How long does it take to get a dental crown?

Acquiring a dental crown is usually a two-step process that takes two weeks. The initial visit entails the dentist preparing your tooth for the crown; this includes reshaping the tooth and creating an impression of it. Next, the dentist sends the impression to a dental lab. That process takes about two to three weeks.

In your second appointment, the dentist fits a permanent dental crown, ensuring it fits properly and aligns with your bite. However, with advancements in dental technology, some dental offices now offer same-day crowns using CAD/CAM technology.

How many teeth do you have left for a partial denture?

Partial dentures aren’t necessarily about how many teeth you have left but rather about where those teeth are and how healthy they are. The function of partial dentures is to replace missing teeth, using the remaining ones as support.  Some dentists will recommend partial dentures for at least one missing tooth.

But you don’t need a minimum number of teeth for a partial denture; this largely depends on your unique dental situation. Your dentist will evaluate the condition and positioning of your remaining teeth during your consultation to determine if a partial denture suits you.

Dr. Deckard leads a team of experienced, compassionate dental professionals who are committed to providing the highest level of dental care. DC Precision Dentistry offers patient-focused, comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages.

To learn more about our services, (202) 851-7554 or request an appointment online.